Know More about the Reasons for Occurrence of Liver Ailments

Liver is an essential organ that plays an important role in digesting food and to enhance energy and strength. In case, the liver fails to function properly, it may result in multiple health issues, and in extreme cases resulting in death of the person if left untreated.
Generally, there are two kinds of liver failure. In the first kind, the health issues related to the liver functions may not be realized for many years. In the second type, the liver totally collapses and stops functioning in just few hours or weeks of duration without giving any indication earlier.
Expert medical professional proposes that if the former kind of health disorders related to liver isn’t treated it may lead to severe health issues which may be impossible to cure. Hence, as soon as the person experiences the symptoms, he/she needs immediate medical attention, so it is advised to consult an experienced doctor immediately.
A Few Causes Leading to Liver Health Issues:
- Reaction to some medicines: Acetaminophen sold under the brand name of Thylenol is mostly prescribed for headaches and back pain. Taking overdose of this medicine is likely to affect liver functions negatively. There are even cases that required liver transplant because of its total failure. The main reason for this is overdose of Acetaminophen.
Hence, it is wise to consult a medical physician if you are suffering from severe headache and back pain instead of taking the drug just on advice of a pharmacist. Even having some powerful antibiotics continuously may result in liver functions to slow down. Anti inflammatory drugs and pain killers if used excessively can cause drastic effect on the liver.
- Herbal health enhancing supplements: Natural meds are termed to be quite safe to consume. However, if a person isn’t aware of its dosage or consumes wrong natural supplement to cure any ailment, then liver may get effected. If consumed in large amount for longer period of time, it may lead to total liver failure. Some of the herbs reported to play havoc are pennyroyal, ephedra, kava and skull cap have negative effect on liver.
- Effects of ailments: Hepatitis A, B & E play a major role in liver damage. The virus causing these kinds of ailments is responsible for non-functioning of the liver too. Some autoimmune ailments are likely to destroy liver cells causing liver inflammation. Budd- Chiari syndrome a vascular ailment and Wilson diseases are known to be not favoring liver to function properly.
- Viruses: Epstein Barr viruses, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex viruses are few of the microorganisms known to damage liver thereby hampering its complete functioning ability.
- Genetics: Many ailments are reported to be due to heredity. Liver Cancer is one such condition caused due to genetics.
- Excessive consumption of alcohol and recreational drugs: Consuming alcohol in large quantity for years and taking illegally sold drugs illegally affects the functions of prominent organs in the body including liver.
To know more about liver failure issues and its treatment visit the website of Dr Gurunath Reddy. The valuable information posted here will surely clear all your doubts about the causes leading to liver failure.